Forward Planner
An online document using Zoho. You need to have signed in with your own email and a password chosen by you. If you've done that, the link is here.
Venue database
Venues we know about are listed here. Some of them have been used many times but some haven't been used for quite a time, so the info may be out of date.
If you want to add a venue or edit what's there, you can ask the IT manager to arrange editing access for you – or you could simply ask him/her to do it for you (as and when s/he has time).
If you want to add a venue or edit what's there, you can ask the IT manager to arrange editing access for you – or you could simply ask him/her to do it for you (as and when s/he has time).
Workshop Application Forms
template for workshop applications in Word format
(version 3)
Please convert final versions of application forms into PDF, to avoid tiresome compatibility problems, but send it to Jo Rowling in .doc and .pdf so she can make adjustments if need be. You can do it online (e.g. at this site: PDF converter or PDFOnline) or you can download a program to use on your own computer (e.g. this free program for Windows: PrimoPDF). Mac users have this facility built-in.
Workshop feedback form, v6 (April 2019)
in RTF – you are requested to add the appropriate workshop details (date, title, venue)
Previous Workshop details
(version 3)
Please convert final versions of application forms into PDF, to avoid tiresome compatibility problems, but send it to Jo Rowling in .doc and .pdf so she can make adjustments if need be. You can do it online (e.g. at this site: PDF converter or PDFOnline) or you can download a program to use on your own computer (e.g. this free program for Windows: PrimoPDF). Mac users have this facility built-in.
Workshop feedback form, v6 (April 2019)
in RTF – you are requested to add the appropriate workshop details (date, title, venue)
Previous Workshop details
Other forms and information sheets
Feedback form template for emailing out
Feedback summary form
Membership application form in Word format for revising. (The 'How to join' page links to the pdf version of this file.)
The latest Committee Information sheet including committee names and addresses as well as information on expenses and deadlines.
NEEMF Letterhead in Word document and Word template format.
Job Descriptions: IT Officer, Secretary.
Good quality cheap (3p per copy 2019) printer for music copies:
Expenses Claims form Word template
Expenses Claims form Word document
Feedback summary form
Membership application form in Word format for revising. (The 'How to join' page links to the pdf version of this file.)
The latest Committee Information sheet including committee names and addresses as well as information on expenses and deadlines.
NEEMF Letterhead in Word document and Word template format.
Job Descriptions: IT Officer, Secretary.
Good quality cheap (3p per copy 2019) printer for music copies:
Expenses Claims form Word template
Expenses Claims form Word document
Public Liability Insurance
Child Protection documents and Risk Assessment forms
Click here for a selection of NEEMF logos. Let me know if you can't open them.